We are NOT mindless automatons. I smoke an occasional cigar. I've been known to curse a bit. Hell, I even vote. Others in my congregation know all this (except the voting) and I've never been given a hard time about it. Many of us ARE highly educated. I have a Masters Degree.We are not all scraping to get by. I have a comfortable six-figure income
You forgot to mention that even though you admire the governing body, you disregarded their admonition to avoid higher education. If you met them in person you'd probably also hide the fact that you smoke the occasional cigar and visit apostate websites and post comments there as well.
I don't think JW's are mindless drones at all. The problem I have is that most of them are like you. They know on some level that what they believe isn't altogether true or provable so they reconcile this reality with the real world by making an appearance of listening and obeying while secretly picking and choosing which of the governing body admonitions they are going to completely disregard. While doing this, they readily shun former JW's who are actually honest about who they are and the lives they want to lead. This includes cutting ties with close friends and family members who were disciplined for doing the exact same things you have done but they chose to admit that they disagree with the governing Body's direction on certain matters rather than hide it.
Rather than just go away and go their separate ways, they harrass us, make videos maligning us, endlessly whine about us and even go so far as to disrupt our meetings. If I decided to leave the JW's, I'd do just that. I wouldn't obsess over them.
Most former JW's would love noting more than to go away but they've lost their entire family and support system to the religion. They are hoping to salvage what they can of their lives by alerting others to the things they now know about the organization.